Contougglobal Maritsa East 3 TPP在2020年在该国生产的近11%的电力占电力总量的占电力总量的近11%。这笔电力足以支付约100万保加利亚家庭的年均需求。"The past 2020 presented serious challenges that did not pass us by. We had to find fast and sustainable solutions to ensure the safety of employees and the capacities’ reliable operation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In spite of the hardships, thanks to the diligence and resilience of all colleagues, "ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3" TPP works exceptionally reliably and contributes its share to the stability of the energy system of the country. We continue with responsibility and professionalism in the new 2021, as well," said Krassimir Nenov, Executive Director of ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3.
在过去的10个月里,Con-Global Maritsa East 3 TPP一直符合最严格的卫生和限制性措施,这些措施已经与Covid-19大流行有关。如果需要,电厂在流行病学情况发生突然变化的情况下,电厂在紧急操作计划中进行了紧急操作计划,如果需要,在完全隔离的条件下运行的基础设施和后勤潜力。Contougglobal Maritsa East 3 TPP还采取了一切必要的措施,以确保其员工和外部分包商的健康,包括提供超过10,000个病毒检测测试。
Contouggolobal Maritsa East 3拥有并经营东南欧的第一个燃木火力发电厂,可满足欧洲职业安全和环境保护的最高标准。电厂自年初以来,该电厂生产了14%的全国电力生产总电力生产,从而有助于确保能源安全和独立性。在确保TPP的可靠运行以及环境保护措施中,已经投入了14亿元的BGN 14亿。股东是国际能源公司Contounglobal(73%)和国家电力公司(27%)。