SKOPJE (North Macedonia), May 4 (SeeNews) - North Macedonia's railway brake equipment manufacturer Wabtec MZT [MSE:MZHE], part of U.S. Wabtec Corporation, said that it closed the first quarter of 2021 with a net loss of 9.6 million denars ($187,600/156,000 euro), compared to a net profit of 5.1 million denars in the same period of 2020.
该公司的营业收入在今年前三个月的年度增长了21.6%至4.07亿岁丹马尔,其中大部分来自海外销售,Wabtec MZT在上周临时财务报表中表示。
WABTEC MZT成立于1953年,作为MZT HEPOS。该公司于2003年由意大利Poli集团收购,2008年成为Wabtec的单位。
Wabtec MZT将其产品出口到全球50多个国家。
(1欧元= 61.53德拉尔)